16 Under 16
We believe in providing a platform for the next generation to share their stories and inspire others to engage in issues that are important to them.
Our work with young environmentalists such as Kids Against Plastic, Trash Girl, The Little Collector began in 2018 and forms a vital part in our passion for youth social action. Whether it’s providing a unique insight into life as a young activist or sharing thought-leadership in the national press on subjects such as circular fashion and what life is really like when litter picking is your passion, our 16 Under 16 ambassadors bring a fresh perspective to the work we do and are never afraid to challenge the status quo.

In partnership with Eco Schools, we are committed to raising awareness of the limitless opportunities that exist for school children to help to protect our planet.

Who Really Cares?
‘16 Under 16’ is a group of extraordinary young people that we brought together to form a collective voice to champion our passion for sustainable children's clothing. It is our platform for the next generation to share their stories and inspire others to engage in issues that are important to them.
The Festival of Inspiration

Our amazing 16 started their journey at our Festival of Inspiration in July 2018 where we formed the foundation of our work together at a day of workshops and inspiring mentoring. Since then we have been working with our 16 Under 16 to produce a collection of STEM and education resources linked to varying topics in the school curriculum.

“I have 3 main missions. To keep Leasowe Road, and other roads near my home as litter free as I can. To work with my Little Collector Crew and encourage people to keep places they love clean. Us children really care about our world and it is ours to look after. To learn more about rubbish to reduce my household litter and new ways to avoid single use plastic.”
Elizabeth, The Little Collector
“Drought, flooding, loss of biodiversity, plastic pollution: Planet Earth is facing challenges like never before. Humanity is the cause of these problems, and we’ve done nothing for far too long. The planet and young people’s futures cannot wait any longer; the costliest option is doing nothing.”
Sam, Young Environmentalist Conservationist